
Rabu, 29 April 2015

My Scary Story

This occurrence was happened maybe 10 years ago when I’m still at junior high school. Its happened at Saturday night when I go out to the court with my friends. Its almost 9 pm and we getting bored, so my friends said “Nah, I have a good idea, how if we play hide and seek?”. Wow playing hide and seek at 9  pm, I thought he just kidding. But no he serious, and the other guys agree with him. So we start paly hide and seek, one person had to closed his eyes until 1 minute and the other guys must find the place to hiding from him including me. After one minute my friends try to lookin for us, but after that “Bruuk” everyone shocked and I said”whats that”, and when I look at the park I see one of my friend falling down from the tree. And then the game was stopped, and then everyone ask him why he can falling down from the tree? And then he said when I sitted on the branch and looked to my left side, I look a girl sitting next to me with a white dress and really looks like a ghost in the movie, so because I’m feel so scary so I lose control and fell down from the tree. And then after that we stop playing and go home.


Simple Past / Present Perfect / Past Perfect

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.

Top of Form

    When I (arrive) home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) a beautiful candlelight dinner.

    Since I began acting, I (perform) in two plays, a television commercial and a TV drama. However, I (speak, never even) publicly before I came to Hollywood in 1985.

    By the time I got to the office, the meeting (begin, already) without me. My boss (be) furious with me and I (be) fired.

    4. When I (turn) the radio on yesterday, I (hear) a song that was popular when I was in high school. I (hear, not) the song in years, and it (bring) back some great memories.

    5. Last week, I (run) into an ex-girlfriend of mine. We (see, not) each other in years, and both of us (change) a great deal. I (enjoy) talking to her so much that I (ask) her out on a date. We are getting together tonight for dinner.

    6. When Jack (enter) the room, I (recognize, not) him because he (lose) so much weight and (grow) a beard. He looked totally different!

    7. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however, their culture (disappear, virtually) by the time Europeans first (arrive) in the New World.

    8. I (visit) so many beautiful places since I (come) to Utah. Before moving here, I (hear, never) of Bryce Canyon, Zion, Arches, or Canyonlands.

Verb Tense Exercise 2

Will / Be Going To

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses, then click the “Check” button to check your answers.

Top of Form

    Michael: Do you think the Republicans or the Democrats (win) the next election?
    Jane: I think the Republicans (win) the next election.
    John: No way! The Democrats (win) .
    Susan: We (go) camping this weekend. Would you like to come along?
    Sam: That sounds great, but I don’t have a sleeping bag.
    Susan: No problem. I (lend) you one. My family has tons of camping gear.
    Barbara: I (buy) a new car this weekend, but I’m a little worried because I don’t really know much about cars. I’m afraid the salesman (try) to take advantage of me when he sees how little I know.
    Dave: I used to work for a mechanic in high school and I know a lot about cars. I (go) with you to make sure you are not cheated.
    Gina: Fred and I (visit) Santa Fe next summer. Have you ever been there?
    Margaret: My family lives in Santa Fe! I (give) you my parents’ phone number. When you get to Santa Fe, just call them and they (give) you a little tour of the town. They can show you some of the sights that most tourists never see.
    Pam: Can you see my future in the crystal ball? What (happen) next year?
    Fortune Teller: You (meet) a man from the East Coast, perhaps New York or maybe Boston. You (marry) that mystery man.
    Pam: Forget the man! I want to know if I (get) a new job.

Verb Tense Exercise 3

Simple Present / Simple Future
Present Continuous / Future Continuous

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses, then click the “Check” button to check your answers.

Top of Form

    Right now, I am watching TV. Tomorrow at this time, I (watch) TV as well.

    2. Tomorrow after school, I (go) to the beach.

    3. I am going on a dream vacation to Tahiti. While you (do) paperwork and (talk) to annoying customers on the phone, I (lie) on a sunny, tropical beach. Are you jealous?

    4. We (hide) when Tony (arrive) at his surprise party. As soon as he opens the door, we (jump) out and (scream) , “Surprise!”

    5. We work out at the fitness center every day after work. If you (come) over while we (work) out, we will not be able to let you into the house. Just to be safe, we (leave) a key under the welcome mat so you will not have to wait outside.

    6. While you (study) at home, Magda (be) in class.

    7. When I (get) to the party, Sally and Doug (dance) , John (make) drinks, Sue and Frank (discuss) something controversial, and Mary (complain) about something unimportant. They are always doing the same things. They are so predictable.

    8. When you (get) off the plane, I (wait) for you.

    9. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) .

    10. If you (need) to contact me sometime next week, I (stay) at the Sheraton in San Francisco. Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

Verb Tense Exercise 4

Cumulative Verb Tense Review

Complete questions 1-10 below with the appropriate tenses, then answer questions 11-15.

Top of Form

    When Carol (call) last night, I (watch) my favorite show on television.
    I (work) for this company for more than thirty years, and I intend to stay here until I retire!
    Sharon (love) to travel. She (go) abroad almost every summer. Next year, she plans to go to Peru.
    Thomas is an author. He (write) mystery novels and travel memoirs. He (write) since he was twenty-eight. Altogether, he (write) seven novels, three collections of short stories and a book of poetry.
    We were late because we had some car problems. By the time we (get) to the train station, Susan (wait) for us for more than two hours.
    Sam (try) to change a light bulb when he (slip) and (fell) .
    Everyday I (wake) up at 6 o’clock, (eat) breakfast at 7 o’clock and (leave) for work at 8 o’clock. However, this morning I (get) up at 6:30, (skip) breakfast and (leave) for work late because I (forget) to set my alarm.
    Right now, Jim (read) the newspaper and Kathy (make) Last night at this time, they (do) the same thing. She (cook) and he (read) the newspaper. Tomorrow at this time, they (do, also) the same thing. She (prepare) dinner and he (read) . They are very predictable people!
    By this time next summer, you (complete) your studies and (find) a job. I, on the other hand, (accomplish, not) I (study, still) and you (work) in some new high paying job.

10. The students (be, usually) taught by Mrs. Monty. However, this week they (teach) taught by Mr. Tanzer.


 Simple Past Tense

Function :  Subject + Verb2 + Object

Subject + was/were + Noun/Adjective/Adverb + Object

Simple Past Tense menjelaskan tenyang 1 kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan tidak ada hubungannya hari ini.

    Simple Present Tense

Function : Subject + Verb1 + Object

Subject + is/am/are + Noun/Adjective/Adverb + Object

Simple Present Tense menjelaskan tentang 1 kejadian yang sedang terjadi, kebiasaan (habitual activity), kebenaran umum (General truth).

    Simple Future Tense

Function :  Subject + will + Verb1 + Object

Subject + will be + Noun/Adjective/Adverb + Object

Simple Future Tense menjelaskan tentang kejadian masa depan (Prediksi, ramalan atau bersifat spontan).

    Past Continuous Tense

Function :  Subject + was/were + Verb-ing + Object

Past Continuous Tense menjelaskan tentang kejadian yang sedang terjadi di masa lampau.

    Present Continuous Tense

Function :  Subject + ia/am/are + Verb-ing + Object

Present Continuous Tense menjelaskan tentang kejadian yang terjadi saat dibicarakan.

    Future Continuous Tense

Function :  Subject + will be + Verb-ing + Object

Future Continuous Tense menjelaskan tentang kejadian yang akan sedang berlangsung atau akan sedang terjadi di masa depan.

    Past Perfect Tense

Function :  Subject + had + Verb3 + Object

Subject + had been + Noun/Adjective/Adverb + Object

Past Perfect Tense menjelaskan tentang suatu kejadian sebelum ada kejadian lain di masa lampau.

    Present Perfect Tense

Function :  Subject + has/have + Verb3 + Object

Subject + has/have been + Noun/Adjective/Adverb + Object

Present Perfect Tense menjelaskan tentang suatu kejadian dimulai saat lampau dan masih berlangsung saat ini.

    Future Perfect Tense

Function :  Subject + will have + Verb3 + Object

Subject + will have been + Noun/Adjective/Adverb + Object

Future Perfect Tense menjelaskan tentang suatu kejadian yang akan sudah terjadi di masa depan.

    Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Function :  Subject + had been + Verb-ing + Object

Past Perfect Continuous Tense menjelaskan suatu kejadian yang masih terjadi saat kejadian lain  dimulai di masa lampau.

    Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Function :  Subject + has/have been + Verb-ing + Object

Present Perfect Continuous Tense menjelaskan suatu kejadian yang dimulai di masa lampau, masih berlangsung saat kejadian lain dimulai di masa kini.

    Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Function :  Subject + will have been + Verb-ing + Object

Future Perfect Continuous Tense menjelaskan tentang suatu kejadian yang akan sudah sedang berlangsung di masa depan.

Impression from the second meeting

Menurut saya untuk pertemuan yang kedua ini ibu tetap manyampaikan materi dengan menyenangkan dan mudah untuk dimengerti. Apalagi materi nya adalah tenses ibu memberikan cara yang mudah untuk mempelajari dan memahaminya.

Kamis, 23 April 2015


Sumber : seminar skripsi/non skripsi (11-07-2014)

Sidang di Kampus Kenari, jam 07.00 harus sudah tiba, mulai jam 08.00
Lokasi : Jl. Kenari no.13 Jakpus
Pengumuman sidang saat hari H

Syarat Sidang :
1.       SKS/IPK OK (152 SKS)     = Sudah termasuk SKS Skripsi
= IPK Ujian Utama minimal 3.00 tanpa nilai D & E
= IPK Lokal +/- 3.00
2.       Lulus Penulisan Ilmiah
3.       Cek Keuangan (2 kali sebelum sidang dan setelah sidang) ke Bagian Keuangan
4.       Bebas Perpustakaan (buka studentsite)
5.       Lulus Kursus
6.       Lulus Workshop
7.       Sudah mengikuti Aptitude Test (D331 untuk mengambil sertifikat)
8.       Nilai D maksimal 2 (MK Pilihan)
9.       Upload Foto di studentsite

Daftar Sidang : (ke Bagian sidang Loket 13-16 pukul 09.00-14.30)
1.       Fotocopy KRS
2.       Print out nilai studentsite terbaru
3.       Fotocopy sertifikat PI, kursus, workshop dan ACC skripsi dari dosen pembimbing

Sidang dimulai dari pukul 08.00-16.00
Ambil STLS, Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai di D21
Sidang Ujian UG : Pak Priyo / dapat dilihat dari website baak.gunadarma.ac.id/sidang/ (Kampus D41 Loket 13-16)

Sebelum mendaftar sidang :
1.       Input data diri dan upload Foto Terbaru (hitam putih) di studentsite
2.       Bebas Perpustakaan
3.       Test Aptitude
4.       Bebas Keuangan / Surat Bebas Keuangan
5.       Izin / ACC dari Bagian Jurusan

Ke Loket Sidang (Loket 13-16) membawa :
1.       Fotocopy surat pengecekan uang kuliah (surat bebas keuangan)
2.       Pas Foto 2x3 lembar
3.       Data diri, nama pembimbing, temple di belakang fotocopy surat bebas keuangan

Bukti Pendaftaran : surat jadwal sidang (TIDAK BOLEH HILANG)
Sebab Bukti Pendaftaran ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai Bukti Sidang, pengecekan uang kuliah, tanda ambil STLS, Ijazah serta transkrip nilai.

Pelaksanaan Sidang :
1.       Bawa surat jadwal sidang
2.       Bawa formulir data peserta sidang yang telah ditempeli pas foto hitam putih (Formulir dapat diunduh di baak.gunadarma.ac.id)
Sediakan Pas Foto Ukuran 4x6   = 4 Lembar
                                                                    3x4     = 2 Lembar
                                                                    2x3     = 3 Lembar

    Fotocopy Ijazah SMU/SMK/MAN/Sederajat
    Bawa Fotocopy KTP (Masih Berlaku)

Pelaksanaan sidang :

    Untuk yang tidak dapat mengupload foto ke studentsite, ada sesi foto di sekdos Kampus Kenari jam 07.00 (Bertepatan dengan hari H Sidang)
    Jam 08.00 = Kumpul di lantai 5
    Setelah selesai sidang dibagikan kartu sidang (Skripsi ttd di belakang, dikembalikan ke sekdos sidang sesudah mahasiswa melakukan sidang), SK Sidang (dapat dibawa pulang)

Tata Berpakaian Untuk Wanita saat sidang : Kemeja Putih Lengan Panjang, Rok hitam panjang dan Sepatu Pantofel Hitam Tertutup (Diharapkan memakai kemeja dan rok dengan sopan “dalam arti tidak ketat, bukan kemeja tipis dan lainnya)
Tata Berpakaian untuk Pria saat sidang : Kemeja Putih Lengan Panjang, Celana bahan hitam panjang, Dasi dan Sepatu Pantofel Hitam

Sidang Skripsi :

    Terdiri dari 3 Penguji
    Perlengkapan : laptop/netbook, presentasi elektronik-template diunduh di studentsite, modul skripsi 3 jilid softcover

Untuk yang LULUS SIDANG :

    Dibagikan bllanko pembayaran wisuda
    Cek keuangan 2 (SP-> OK) di Bagian Keuangan
    Skripsi : Format Hardcover lihat di loket 15, untuk ttd : Bapak Dr. Edi Sukirman, MM
    Syarat ttd : cover, lembar pengesahan, kata pengantar, pita pembatas (warna kuning karena disesuaikan dengan warna jurusan), bukti upload file, ppt dan jurnal, bukti revisi dari penguji yang sudah diacc

Untuk yang tidak lulus sidang :

    Daftar ke loket 15
    Membayar Rp 60.000
    Bawa surat jadwal sidang dan foto 2x3 1 lembar

Konfirmasi jadwal sidang : lakukan konfirmasi ke loket 15 pada hari Kamis/ 2 hari sebelum pelaksanaan sidang

Sidang terdekat : 30 Agustus 2014, Bulan September => minimal 2 x sidang dalam seminggu

Wisuda tanggal 19 Oktober 2014 dan kemungkinan wisuda pada bulan Desember juga ada

Pelayanan loket ijazah dan transkrip nilai :

    Pengambilan SSM
    Pengambilan STLS                                                            SEMUA DILEGALISIR
    Pengambilan ijazah dan transkrip
    Rangkuman nilai
    Dengan syarat : Foto Terbaru bahan dove hitam putih ( 3x4 untuk STLS, 4x6 untuk Ijazah&Transkrip)

Syarat pengambilan STLS :

    STLS dapat diambil 2-3 minggu dari tanggal kelulusan anda
    Surat jadwal sidang yang telah lengkap persyaratannya
    Bukti sumbangan buku di perpustakaan
    Mengisi data di bagian Carreer Center (cap)
    Melampirkan blanko wisuda yang sudah dibayarkan
    Datang untuk cap 3 jari

Legalisir rangkap 5, waktu minimal 1 minggu

Carreer center :

    Tempat di D31 belakang perpustakaan lama
    Taruh di Dropbox, masuk saja
    Registrasi di career.gunadarma.ac.id
    Klik Job Seeker
    Pilih login by studentsite/buat baru juga busa
    Isi data
    Jika terdapat tulisan ENJOY berarti sudah berhasil

*Kalau masih ada yang kurang mohon maaf dan dimaklumi ya, karena ini sebatas pendengaran dan penglihatan saya saat seminar. Terima kasih bagi yang sudah membaca. Dan silakan ditambahkan jika ada kekurangannya. :)
